Thursday, October 28, 2010

a strange night...
Let me begin by making the proclamation that Benadryl is a wonder drug. What prompted the rave review, you might ask? Allow me to recount the strange happenings of last night, and I'll see if you concur.

Yesterday was my day off, and instead of being productive in any way, shape or form, I spent the day piled up in bed, reading a wonderful writer I've discovered on LJ: snuffnyc. Her R&I fanfics are absolutelystellar, so I had to go back and read everything in order so as to be caught up for the next installment. Hey, I've got my priorities straight. OK, "straight" might not be the best choice of words, but I digress... About 11pm I called it a night, closed the Mac and drifted into peaceful sleep. Upon returning to bed after my 3am bathroom foray, I noticed that the palms of my hands were itching incessantly. And not just any ol' itch -- I'm talking "claw 'til you've drawn blood" kinda itching. After several minutes of this, the itching has spread to the soles of my feet. OK, this is getting kinda ridiculous. I can handle hand to hand combat, but now I've got 2 more appendages clamoring for my attention? This. Will not do.

I next progressed to palms and soles are blood red, fingers are swelling, along with elevated heart rate and rapid, shallow breathing, although I attribute these last 2 to dancing around my bedroom, stomping my feet on the hardwood floor. Hey, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do, and the feet were late to the party. At this point, I'm looking for answers, so Google to the rescue. Newsflash: I'm suffering an allergic reaction of some sort. Wow, tell me something I don't know already. At this point, it's after 4am and I'm at a loss.

Time to call in the reinforcements. "Mom? Hope I didn't wake you, but I've got a problem." I then recounted the aforementioned symptoms, and she calmly tells me to get dressed and walk down to her place so she can see me. Living 2 doors up from Mom can be trying at times, but I've come to the conclusion one never gets so old as to stop needing Mom when they're sick. After a quick quizzing, Mom pronounces, "allergic reaction. Benadryl and call it a night." Hmmppfff... who needs Google when they've got Dr. Mom at their disposal?

I've now slept about 6 hours, I'm fuzzy from the drugs and I still itch a little, but this, I can manage. I'm now off to my house to investigate the cause of last night's histamine hysteria. Calling Rizzoli and Isles...

1 comment:

Variations On A Theme said...

Have you developed an allergy to your cats? I'm surprised your mom didn't jump on that idea. ;)